Personal Info

Name: Ma. Paulina Francisca C. Manito 

Age: 12

Adress: Pob. Zone 3 Mayorga Leyte

Mother: Maria Glaiza C. Manito

Father: N/A 

Grade: VI 

School: Dulag Child Development Center Inc.

Motto: Education is POWERFUL 

Fav color: Oliver 

Fav animal: cat 

Fav subject: Science and Mathematics 

Name: Angel Wynn M. Bacli

Age: 11

Address: Brgy. Bolongtohan Dulag,Leyte

Mother: Genalyn M. Bacli

Father: Dennis B. Bacli

Grade: VI

School: Dulag Child Development Center Inc.

Motto: You only lived ONCE

Fav color: Purple/Lavender 

Fav Animal: Tiger/Rabbit

Fav Subject: Science and Mathematics
