Motivational Speaker

                         Leny G. Tiston

             Years of Teaching: 17 years

 1. What will be your adivices for us pupils to achieve our goals?

My advices to the pupils in grade-6 that they focus in their studies. Do their assignments and other tasks of their teacher. I advise also that they must listen well to their teachers when their teachers are discussing their lesson. And ask to their teacher to if they do not understand the lesson to give another example. Lastly do not forget to pray to god to help us understand the lessons.

2.What are your ways to cope challenges in schooling?

There are many challenges I've encountered in schooling. Financially is the primary problem. But the help of God, he make ways to overcome all of these trials I've encountered in my schooling.

3.What are your secrets to become what you have or what you are now?

My secret to become what I'am now that I have confident of myself. I focused on my study although I have already 2 children when I study in college. That is not hindrance of having a children to finish my college. But they are my inspiration or strength to finishmy study. Lastly I always thanks God for his guidance for what I'am now.
